ACROSS Lexington Route G

Explore part of northeast Lexington on this 2.8 miles long route. We will go through Lower Vine Brook and Shaker Glen conservation lands along the way. Park near the signed trail entrance opposite 99 Laconia Street. Rain/snow date: Saturday April 26, 1:00-2:30pm Leader: Ruth Ladd - 781-956-6774,

Spring Bird Walk at the Arlington Reservoir

Join us at Arlington Reservoir to look for early songbird migrants (Warbling Vireo, first orioles, and numerous colorful Yellow-rumped and Palm warblers likely) and lingering migrant ducks (Green-winged Teal likely and maybe a Ruddy). We will do a complete circuit of the reservoir and check Lexington Community Farm also. Meet at the gym set area […]

Around Arlington’s Great Meadow

Arlington's Great Meadows Lexington Meadow, Lexington, MA, United States

Walk a 2.2 miles loop around Arlington’s Great Meadow (which is entirely in Lexington!). We’ll alternate between parts of ACROSS Lexington Route C, the Minuteman bike path and established trails.  Meet at the Waldorf School parking lot, 739 Mass Ave.  The walk will depart at 2pm sharp, rain or shine. Leader: Bob Hausslein - 781-862-9102,

ACROSS Lexington Route B

Join this walk to discover Across Lexington Route B. This 4.5 mile loop goes through residential streets, the bike path and several conservation areas including Franklin Park, Upper Vine Brook and Lincoln Park.  The walk is not suitable for walkers, strollers or baby carriages. Wear comfortable clothing and walking footwear.  Meet at the parking lot […]

Fauna and Flora of Arlington’s Great Meadow

Arlington's Great Meadows Lexington Meadow, Lexington, MA, United States

Saturday May 10, 1:00-3:00pm AGM features meadows, wetlands, and woods within its borders. Over 675 trees, plants, insects, mammals and more have been documented on iNaturalist to date. We'll share observations and insights of AGM's natural communities, a changing mixture of native and introduced organisms, with a focus on taking a closer look at wildflowers […]

Spring Birding at Lower Vine Brook

Lower Vine Brook 93 Vine Street, Lexington, MA, United States

Sunday May 11, 7:30 - 9:00 am Lower Vine Brook can be a fantastic area to see warblers, beautiful small tropical birds that migrate north at this time of year. They will eventually reach the forests of northern New England and Canada to breed, but if weather and foliage are right, you may see a […]

Willard’s Woods Ramble

Willards Woods 44 North Street, Lexington, MA, United States

With 100 acres of former farmland, Willard’s Woods provides an opportunity to explore a variety of areas, including open areas, a former livestock pond and peaceful pine groves. After a brief review of the area’s history, we'll proceed slowly along the paths to get a sense of the trees, shrubs and perennials in flower at […]

Wild Edibles of Lexington’s Waysides

Lexington's Wayside Worthen Road

Once again, CLC is delighted to have Russ Cohen return for another walk to teach us about wild edible plants! Lexington is home to over 70 species of edible wild plants, both native and non-native, including plants considered to be weedy or invasive. Some are more nutritious and/or flavorful than their cultivated counterparts. Join Russ […]

Spring Goat Pasture Walk at Chiesa Farm

Chiesa Farm Sedge Road, Lexington, MA, United States

Come join the local Lexington goats for their daily pasture walk through the fields and woodlands at Chiesa Farm. Each season the land provides them with diverse plant life. The goats are very specific to what they need to eat depending on many factors. We will have two Lexington herds, totaling over a dozen adult […]