Across Lexington Route L Walk

Bowman School 9 Philips Road, Lexington, MA, United States

Join this walk to discover Across Lexington Route L. This 4.4 mile loop goes through residential streets and several conservation areas including Dunback Meadow, Upper Vine Brook and Daisy Wilson Meadow. The walk is not suitable for walkers, strollers or baby carriages as there are some steep sections and uphill climbs. Wear comfortable clothing and […]

Plants and Insects of Arlington’s Great Meadows

End Emerson Gardens Road

Join us for a fall walk around Arlington’s Great Meadows. This 183-acre property is owned by Arlington and located in East Lexington. Wear long pants and have bug spray in reserve. More than light rain cancels. Meet at the end of Emerson Gardens Road off Maple St. in Lexington. Some public parking is available just […]

Fall Goat Pasture Walk at Chiesa Farm

Chiesa Farm Sedge Road, Lexington, MA, United States

Come and join the local Lexington goats for their daily pasture walk through the fields and woodlands at Chiesa Farm. Each season the land provides them with diverse plant life. The goats are very specific to what they need to eat depending on many factors. We will have two Lexington herds, totaling 15 dairy goats, with some […]

Walk in My Moccasins

Estabrook School 117 Grove Street, Lexington, United States

View the Paint Mine Conservation area through the eyes of Native Americans who lived here before the colonists came. Find out how Indigenous people used plants, animals, and minerals from this special place for food, clothing, shelter, medicine, toys and ceremonies. This conversation area includes a hilly upland forest, a wetland area under the power lines, and […]

How can ONE Native Plant Make a Difference?

Join Trevor Smith, Design and Education Manager from Weston Nurseries, for a special webinar about how pollinator gardens are so much more than just about butterflies. Beyond providing sustenance for our six-legged friends, Trevor will describe how gardens can positively impact the local ecosystem and help support climate resilience. Consider ways you can support native […]

Into the thaw

Cary Hall 1605 Mass Ave, Lexington, MA, United States

Finding Wonder Amid the Arctic Climate Crisis. Climate change is currently affecting our natural and historical landscape. Local areas like Minuteman National Historical Park are currently endangered, and the crisis has already accelerated in other parts of the country. Join Jon Waterman for a special presentation on the topic of his new book, Into the […]

Fall Bird Walk at the Arlington Reservoir and Lexington Community Farm

Rindge Avenue Playground 32 Rindge Avenue, Lexington, United States

We’ll be looking for migrating sparrows and late warblers like Orange-crowned at the farm and for arriving winter ducks at the reservoir. Bring binoculars, wear footwear for possibly damp or muddy ground. Meet at the gym set area of Rindge Avenue Playground. Leader: Chris Floyd -

Edible plants – Fall Edition-CANCELLED

Hayden Woods 45-55 Hayden Avenue, Rear, Lexington, MA, United States

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Lexington is home to over 70 species of edible wild plants, both native and non-native, including plants considered to be weedy or invasive. Some are more nutritious and/or flavorful than their cultivated counterparts. This time of year offers a great opportunity to highlight late berry, root and nut harvests.The walk […]

iNaturalist Observation Walk at Whipple Hill

Whipple Hill Winchester Drive, Lexington, MA, United States

This walk is an opportunity to learn to use iNaturalist to observe and share biodiversity information in Lexington's conservation land. iNaturalist is an online social network of people who care about biodiversity and want to contribute to knowledge and learn from each other. So far, people in Lexington have made over 25,000 observations comprising over […]

Turkey Trot Walk – Willards Woods/Chiesa Farm

Willards Woods 44 North Street, Lexington, MA, United States

Work off the excesses of your Thanksgiving dinner by joining CLC on its annual Turkey Trot walk. This year’s walk will loop through Willards Woods and Chiesa Farm for a distance of about 3+ miles. Walking sticks recommended if conditions are icy under foot. Meet at the Willards Woods parking lot on North Street opposite […]

Citizens for Lexington Conservation’s 2025 Annual Meeting-A History of Lexington Conservation Lands

Lexington Community Center 39 Marret Road, Lexington, MA, United States

CLC is thrilled to announce that Charlie Wyman will be our 2025 Annual Meeting speaker. Charlie will discuss the history of the town’s efforts to preserve its environment and natural heritage through conservation land acquisition, and will offer brief profiles of some of the more interesting acquisition projects. Charlie Wyman has served as both the […]

Sustainability Fair 2025

Lexington High School 251 Waltham St., Lexington, United States

Join us for the LexCAN and the Town of Lexington's Sustainability Fair 2025!!This fair will be held at Lexington High School Commons 1 and 2, Worthen Road Entrance. The fair will highlight topics from clean energy options and applications, electric vehicles, composting and more! You will hear speakers, be educated on sustainability practices from composting […]