Turkey Trot Walk – Willards Woods/Chiesa Farm

Willards Woods 44 North Street, Lexington, MA, United States

Work off the excesses of your Thanksgiving dinner by joining CLC on its annual Turkey Trot walk. This year’s walk will loop through Willards Woods and Chiesa Farm for a distance of about 3+ miles. Walking sticks recommended if conditions are icy under foot. Meet at the Willards Woods parking lot on North Street opposite […]

Willard’s Woods Ramble

Willards Woods 44 North Street, Lexington, MA, United States

With 100 acres of former farmland, Willard’s Woods provides an opportunity to explore a variety of areas, including open areas, a former livestock pond and peaceful pine groves.  After a brief review of the area’s history, we will proceed slowly along the paths to get a sense of the varied habitats and their plant and animal […]

Dose of Nature Series – Willards Woods

Willards Woods 44 North Street, Lexington, MA, United States

Summer is the perfect time to come together to enjoy Lexington’s many Conservation lands. Join a member of Lexington’s Conservation Department for a free guided tour of Willards Woods. Meet at the North Street entrance opposite 44 North Street. Heavy rain cancels. Registration is not required.