CLC is interested in many grass-roots aspects of conservation. Here you will find links to other local and regional organizations with similar and/or parallel interests, as well as information on contacting local legislators.
Local Links of Interest
Lexington Links
- Town of Lexington
- Lexington Conservation Division
- Lexington Conservation Commission
- Lexington Conservation Stewards
- Greenways Corridor Committee
- Lexington Tree Committee
- Lexington Recycling Information
- Donate, Don’t Dispose
- Curbside Trash Guidelines
- Hazardous Waste Guidelines
- Lexington Global Warming Action Coalition
- Lexington Farmer’s Market
- Lexington Living Landscapes
Conservation & Recreation Links
- Bedford Conservation Commission
- Friends of the Burlington Landlocked Forest
- Arlington Reservoir Committee
- Menotomy Bird Club
- Friends of Arlington’s Great Meadows
- Waltham Land Trust
Watershed Associations
Legislative Links
Contact Lexington/Waltham legislators
Representative Michelle Ciccolo
State House, Room 473F
Boston, MA 02133
Ph: 617-722-2210
Representative Tom Stanley
State House, Room 146
Boston, MA 02133
Ph: 617-722-2470
[email protected]
Senator Michael Barrett
State House Room 213A
Boston, MA 02133
Senator Cindy Friedman
State House, Room 208
Boston, MA 02133
Ph: 617-722-1432
Legislative Leadership
The Honorable Ronald Mariano
Speaker of the House of Representatives
State House, Room 356
Boston, MA 02133
Ph. 617-722-2500
The Honorable Karen Spilka
President of the Senate
State House, Room 332
Boston, MA 02133
Ph. 617-722-1500
[email protected]