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Fauna and Flora of Arlington’s Great Meadow

Saturday May 10, 1:00-3:00pm
AGM features meadows, wetlands, and woods within its borders. Over 675 trees, plants, insects, mammals and more have been documented on iNaturalist to date. We'll share observations and insights of AGM's natural communities, a changing mixture of native and introduced organisms, with a focus on taking a closer look at wildflowers and insects.
Wear long pants and have bug repellent in reserve, bring magnifiers if you have them. Meet at the end of Emerson Gardens Rd. off Maple St. in Lexington. Public parking is available just past the entrance to Lexington Meadow townhomes. Use Emerson Gardens Rd for overflow parking.
More than light rain cancels.
Leader: Andrea Golden –  andgold@comcast.net